V.J.’s Weekly Challenge #13: Questions


What will come from all this suffering?  Why do I keep repeating old patterns?  Where is this journey taking me?  How can I be a better person?  When do things get better?

A Question
by Robert Frost

A voice said, Look me in the stars
And tell me truly, men of earth,
If all the soul-and-body scars
Were not too much to pay for birth.

What do you question?  Asking the right questions, I’ve heard it said, is more important than finding the answer.  This week, let’s examine the questions that keep us curious.

Ideas for response:

  •  find images that symbolize your questions
  • Record a dream.  What questions arise from the dream message?
  • write a poem, asking one of life’s big questions
  • start a conversation – post one of life’s big questions and summarize the responses.

To participate:

  1.  Create a post on your own blog and publish it.
  2. Link back to this post or leave the address of your blog in the comments below.
  3. Remember to check back and read other contributions.

All are welcome.  Look forward to your responses.

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

32 thoughts on “V.J.’s Weekly Challenge #13: Questions

      1. With the extreme heat and lack of rain in most of Canada. We had so many forest fires close to us this year; never before seen. Could even smell the smoke in the air for a few days. “Wondering” got too close to home. Yes, gratitude and joy will not be diminished.

        Liked by 1 person

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