Lens-Artists Challenge: Path

Who can resist a path’s allure?  Not I.

Quinta Mazatlan, McAllen, Texas offers manicured paths, through lush green gardens, carefully groomed – a bird watcher’s delight. (Featured image).


At Piper’s Lagoon, my weary legs climbed to the water’s view, and would go no further.  This path, beyond, called to me, but would have to wait for another day.

Jack Pine Trail 3

The Jack Pine Trail, on Moodie Dr, Nepean, Ontario shimmers in the light of day, the woods alive with wildlife seeking human contact.

Trail by quarryMultiple trails, easily accessible and well manicured, await our exploration in our new hometown.

Who can resist a path’s allure?  Not I.

The Seeker

…and when I’m gone –
fleshy vessel turned to ash,
know that my spirit,
in joyous release,
will be seeking new paths.

(Poem inspired by the path at Piper’s Lagoon.  Submitted for Lens-Artists Challenge – Path.)


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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

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