
Four days of fog, followed by a day of thunder storms, and I am stir crazy.

“Let’s go for a drive. I need to get out.”

I grab my camera and open the door, immediately accosted by a wet wind. It has turned cold. There won’t be any picture taking today.

We go for lunch, and then defeated by the weather, return home. I decide to do laundry. For those that don’t know, we are currently living in a 41-foot motor home. Our home on wheels backs onto a canal. The washer/ dryer stack is located in the bedroom at the rear. From there I have a clear view of the waterway.

On this day, I spot my buddy, the neighbourhood Great Blue, hunched in the water with a huge catfish in his beak.

“Look at this!” I call to Ric.

He joins me and suggests I grab my camera.

“I thought about that, but it’s too cold out.”

Ric pops out the window. “Who said anything about going outside?”

Dinner prep.

I capture it all on film. The proud bird with his catch. The half-flight, half-hop up the hill. The laying out and preparation of his dinner.

“How on earth is he going to eat that?”

Seems Buddy is pondering the same thing when another heron arrives on the scene. A juvenile, who noisily announces his hunger, and is easily chased off.

Eyeball to eyeball

Buddy watches to make sure the thief doesn’t return and when satisfied gets back to the task at hand, using his beak like chopsticks to secure the fish, head first.

“Get ready for it,” Ric warns.

The heron straightens his now bulging neck and we can see the fish, still wiggling, moving down.


“This is wild!” I exclaim.

“Exactly.” Ric says smartly.

Now I don’t feel so bad about having to stay home.

(Serendipitously, Ragtag Community’s prompt today is canal, so I’m linking up.)

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

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