V.J.’s Weekly Challenge #63: ripening

Drooping under the weight of their ripening fruit, our tomato plants have escaped their cages. Wax beans are losing their green tinge, and zucchinis, stretching across the narrow garden bed, are full of promise. Even though we planted late this year, there will be something to harvest. The anticipation is killing us, and yet, we know that we cannot hurry the process.

This week, let’s take our cues from nature. Consider what is ripening in you, or the world around you. Maybe this requires a glance backwards to another time, or a peek into the life of another. Or maybe this prompt entices you to get out the camera and snap a few photos.

Looking forward to wherever the muse leads you!

Don’t forget to link back here.

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

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