Clichéd Fun

The grass is always greener –
magnificent cliches
carry on –
the writing on the wall,
a little bird told me
in the nick of time,
don’t cry over spilled milk –
Is it cliché to say
muddied waters –
me over the edge?

Thank you all for keeping me entertained with your creativity. My poem is compliments of your gifted responses. Here are all contributions (let me know if I missed someone):

Crossing Over, I Write Her
A Simile Upon My Lips, parallax
Cee It Happened Again, Reena Saxena
Omens, Eugi’s Causerie
Fun With Clichés, Susan’s Place
Timeless Wonder, Stuff and what if…
Clichéd, one letter UP
Cliché, Stein Writing
A Clichéd Rambling, Sgeoil

See you tomorrow for a new challenge!

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

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