Contributions of Humanity

Driving the neighbourhood, streets are deserted, but the spirit of the residents shines through – art posted in windows, chalk drawings on sidewalks, and front porch art. The lengths people go to encourages me. The best of humankind is shining through.

My challenge this week was contribution, and as always your contributions have warmed me. Borrowing from each participant, I offer you:

We contribute to enlighten –
drops in a vast ocean-
the sick await
brave hearts
risk the fall
for the betterment of all,
an offering of hope.

Thanks to all who joined in:

I Write Her
Reena Saxena
Does Writing Excuse Watching
Stuff and what if…

(I’m also linking this up with Cee’s Hunt for Joy Challenge: Paint your front door.)

See you tomorrow for a new challenge.

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

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