VJ’s Weekly Challenge #100: Pause

The world is a noisy place at the moment, and rightfully so. The bubble of denial has burst when it comes to systemic racism. As people march in protest demanding change, a virus lurks, threatening further losses. And, I haven’t even mentioned the absurdity of political ranting that seems so inappropriately off base right now.

It is tempting to throw oneself into the fray – emotions running high, intellect chomping for a word – and yet, I fear a loss of grounding. We need calm minds, and clear agendas to guide us in such times.

Passions are ignited. Words and actions have a place. Change is afoot. Let us remember to pause – to quiet the noise – long enough to ensure we are actually making a difference.

May your pauses bring you inspiration this week. I look forward to your responses.

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

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