VJ’s Weekly Challenge #114: What’s in the Box?

“What’s in this box?”

“Good question. To be honest every time I look at the contents, I just…”

“… glaze over?”


Turns out there were pens and lightbulbs and notepads, and something Ric’s been looking for. Likely the contents of a junk drawer – you know, the stuff you put out of sight because you don’t know what else to do with it.

This week, I challenge you to open one of those boxes, or drawers, and write about what you discover. Have fun. Be creative.

Look forward to your responses. All are welcome. To participate, create a post and then link back here, or leave your comments below.

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

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