VJ’s Weekly Challenge #121: intimacy

This week, I want to talk about intimacy. For many years, I limited thoughts of intimacy to sexuality, however; age and challenges have altered that perception. The desire for intimacy remains. Defining what that is has become a recurring question. Then I came across K E Garland’s post: Mental Health Matters: Learning to Be Intimate, and bells started to ring: intimacy occurs on many levels. I know that now. Being able to articulate it; ground that knowing into understanding, takes on a quest of its own.

Won’t you join me this week in considering the many facets of intimacy. Reading Garland’s article is a good place to start. She also has posted a few links to support her writing.

To participate, create a post and link back here, or drop a link in the comments section. Look forward to your responses. Together we grow.

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

42 thoughts on “VJ’s Weekly Challenge #121: intimacy

  1. Ironically I was just chatting back and forth with another blogger about intimacy and how my first marriage lacked it and I am only learning now, two years after he died, that it wasn’t me who wasn’t willing and I should have fought harder for myself.

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      1. right!?!?!?! After my husband passed away I figured I would enjoy my life alone for a while. It didn’t work out that way as I met David, but one thing I swore to myself about was that I was doing what would make me happy and if someone doesn’t like it that is on them!

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