Change of Scenery

“After the nurse leaves, let’s go for a ride.”

For months it been hospital stays and doctor visits that have dictated our outings. Now that the weather has improved, we needed to get out for enjoyment.

“Bring the cameras!”

We drove cross country, through little towns, and wide open spaces, until we came to the Aylmer Wildlife Management Area, where the Tundra swans stop over every year on their way North.

Ric wasn’t able to get out of the car to climb the viewing platforms, so we had to rely on my photography skills. There were thousands of swans, with a lot to say.

Such a welcome change of scenery!

(For Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: A Change of Scenery)

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

29 thoughts on “Change of Scenery

  1. Oh these photos are beautiful!! My experience with swans and snow geese has always been a little terrifying. As much as I love birds, I’ve had some negative experiences with their aggressiveness. But, they are beautiful, especially the swans. I’m glad you got away and got to see them in such a lovely setting.

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    1. I’ve been chased by a goose – not an experience I’d ever hope to repeat – so I know what you mean. In this case, there were fences keeping the birds and people separate.


  2. Wow VJ, they’re only around for 2 weeks and you caught them – fabulous!!! The images are beautiful. I would SO love to see them. They come here for a very short visit but only to a remote spot about 2 hours from our home so I’ve never caught them. Your images are as close as I’ve gotten! Beautiful choice for the week.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful. When we lived in the Yukon, Swan Haven-Marsh Lake was a stopping point to view the return of the swans, a sure sign of spring’s return! Thanks for triggering that memory.

    Liked by 1 person

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