VJ’s Weekly Challenge: snippets

Popping the bubbles on a newly tarred road… occasionally losing a flip flop and hopping one-footed to retrieve it.

Climbing as high as I can up the Willow tree, where hidden from the world, I eavesdrop on passersby.

Contemplating how beauty has never fit with the equation of self.

All the glamorous dresses my father brings home that my mother never wears.


Life is full of colourful moments, each of them stories unto themselves. We capture them in photographs, or as snippets of memory, randomly recalled. Pieces of our unfinished puzzle.

This week, let’s collect those snippets, write them down, or nosy through old photographs, and select a few. Who knows what might emerge as inspiration. It is not necessary to use the prompt word in your post.

To participate, create a post and link back here, or drop a note in the comments below. Look forward to your responses.

(Note: I chose to write my snippets in the present tense, to keep the energy of the moment alive. )

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

40 thoughts on “VJ’s Weekly Challenge: snippets

  1. Pingback: A Game of Inches
  2. Okay, here’s a little different approach for this week’s Snippet prompt.
    Beside blogging, I also like to make short videos for my YouTube channel, though I haven’t created many.
    But one I made back in 2018 was a collage of my daily life’s snippets in the video format. Hope you will like it 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

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