Bits and Pieces

Our first summer in the house and he’s putting in a new garden at the front. We’ve been scouting local nurseries and while he pretends that my preferences matter, he really is just humouring me. Ric has very specific tastes in flowers and most diametrically opposed to me. The viburnum featured, for example, will sit right beside the front door. Not a favourite for me, but maybe I’m just being too black and white.

As long as the birds still come, I’m happy really. We weren’t allowed near the garden as kids. My father laboured long and hard getting each row just so, and threatened us with sure death if we trampled it. I wonder if this is why I like wildflowers so. Besides, I suffered severe allergies back then, so outdoors in the summer was limited.

Can you imagine crushing rather developing the wonder in a child? It was different times, I guess. Perfection was important. Look at the sparkle in this sweetheart’s eyes. Doesn’t that just top it all?

(Bits and Pieces inspired by Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Open Topic.)

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

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