V.J.’s Weekly Challenge #90: contribution

“I received the nicest package today!” my mother tells me excitedly over the phone. “It couldn’t have arrived at a more perfect time!”

Kleenex, Voltaren, scotch mints, body lotion and a hand drawn picture from a great granddaughter, all bundled and dropped at the entrance to the nursing home, where we are no longer allowed.

My daughter and her family put it together.

Another daughter picks up medications for an elderly neighbour who can’t get out.

Ric is grocery shopping for us and others in the neighbourhood, minimizing exposure.

What can I do?, I wonder, feeling helpless in this state of isolation. It hits me in the middle of the night. Do what I can. Write.

So now I put out a weekly newsletter for our retirement community, 75% of which are widowed individuals. Inviting contributions, I’ve offered to organize and distribute, my mission to keep humour and entertainment the priority.

In these times of physical distancing, staying connected is a greater challenge.

Contribution is the weekly focus.

Look forward to your interpretations.

To participate, create a post on your site, and then drop a link in the comments, or highlight the address to this post and create a link back. Photos, poetry, prose, or any other creative expression is welcome!

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

39 thoughts on “V.J.’s Weekly Challenge #90: contribution

  1. VJ, hats off to your newsletter – particularly the focus on humor – what a gift to your community!

    In all this mess of lock-down, isolating – my heart is drawn primarily to those shut within nursing homes and hospitals missing face-to-face with loved ones. A necessary cruelty.

    Liked by 3 people

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