Currently an Eyesore

The boxes are piling up here. At the new house, the painters have been working diligently. Two rooms are completed and currently all the kitchen doors are off and strewn across scaffolding. The remaining walls are speckled with repair patches.

Both houses are a sight. I try to close my eyes for sleep but the endless to do list runs through my mind. In five days the move happens.

Your posts this week, focused on the visual, have kept me going: some evoking smiles, some tears, others a pause.

Please visit those you missed:

To the One In Sky, Blog of Hammad Rais
At the falls!, Heart to Heart
Dream Board, I Write Her
The Highlights of Life, Eugi’s Causerie II
Sights of Sunlight and Night, Hearing the Mermaids Sing
Gift, paeansunplugged
Birth of Dawn, radhikasreflection
An All Too Brief Pandemic Pause, one letter UP
When the Moonlight Fades, Sgeoil
What a Sight! Stuff and what if…
Off The Rails, parallax

Thanks all! See you tomorrow for a new challenge!

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

23 thoughts on “Currently an Eyesore

  1. All those to-do lists can be crazy-making, but necessary. I remember how exhausting it was – and then not knowing what box things were in (like the coffee pot!). I hope you can get some sleep in there somewhere!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. When my husband and I were looking for the house we’re in now, we never-again was major home renovation DIY style. I will never, ever again strip wallpaper that someone has painted over.

        Liked by 1 person

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