In Awe of Nature, I Find Peace

A drive along the river, or sat at her side, observing, I note that my breathing deepens, my pulse slows. Whatever noise I’ve dragged with me, quietens. Featured image is a trestle view of the river that runs through our town. Below is the late afternoon sun highlighting a focal point in a snowy field. […]

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Ingredients for Peace

A willow in Springtime Light at the end of the day Stillness in the moment Ingredients for peace. (For Nancy Merrill’s A Photo a Week Challenge: peaceful place.)

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A Decision

 Despite flash flood warnings the rain has subsided without too much fuss.  We are waiting on the arrival of friends from back home, and having tidied up, I decide to take advantage of the break in weather and put my camera to use. I step outside just in time to see a cormorant swim by. […]

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My granddaughter paints a row of red flowers with crosses in between.  “Flanders Field” she tells me.  She’s six. “Your great-great grandfather, my grandfather, was shot in Flanders Field.” She raises her eyes to meet mine.  “Did he die?” “No, but he was injured.” He was crawling across the field when the bullet entered and […]

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Re-Focusing Attention

The past week has been very draining on many levels.  I know others have felt it, as well.  The surge of emotional and psychological upset has taken its toll on my physical well-being.  I spent the morning in bed, and part of the afternoon, and then, since the rain was holding off, I asked Ric […]

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On Acceptance and Illness

“Grandma, when will you be better?” It is 5:00 on a school morning, and I am sitting at my granddaughter’s bedside nursing her through a sore tummy. “Not sure, Honey.” “Oh,” she shrugs.  She is four and has never known me any other way. Later, we snuggle up and watch Moana.  “You are just like […]

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We Are Called

My husband is googling “The Declaration of Independence”. I am just trying to breathe: a tempest of emotions, thoughts, and fears attacking rationality. I try to think back to another time when I felt such terror…to reassure myself that this will all pass…but I think about my son who recently converted to Muslim for the […]

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A Day to Reflect

Taking a moment to remember all whose lives have been sacrificed that there might peace in the world to remember my father, his brother, my grandfather and the countless men, and women who fought for the right to live in a democratic country; for freedom of speech, and right to religious practice, who dared to dream […]

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