Mountain (tanka) Thoughts

Ever the mountain
Presence looming, commanding
Climb! Climb! It beckons –
My soul, magnetized, responds
Pursuing new heights – compelled.

When my mother lost her eyesight, I confessed that I would give up at that point, but here I am, into my second year of failing vision and still climbing. Oh, my loss is not as great as hers – I can still see. It’s just that the letters jump about the page, or drop off, or double themselves to test me. “Best not to drive, until we get this sorted out,” I’ve been advised. No threat of that, the accompanying nausea and headaches keep me close to home. This, however, is not the point of my post.

My point is that, even when I think I am done – worn out by the climb – I carry on. No doubt, you do too. The soul is an incredible guide. Today, I celebrate her – my inner adventurer – who faithfully propels me forward..

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

20 thoughts on “Mountain (tanka) Thoughts

  1. Onward and upward, I celebrate with you. Some people are born resilient and some are born into a family that pushes you into resilience. I am grateful even if I wasn’t at the time. Cheers to the “inner adventurer” and hopes for the occasional respite!

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