V.J.’s Weekly Challenge #71: wait

I’m sitting in the passenger seat of our parked car, waiting while Ric runs in to pick up a few groceries. This is our normal routine. He shops; I wait.

Confession: I am not good at waiting. I have this compulsive need to fill each minute of the day with productivity. So I thumb through Twitter, make lists, or look for my next great photographic capture.

Put the kettle on. I tidy the kitchen.

Filling the sink. I check emails.

Why, I ask myself, can’t I just be in the moment. What am I afraid will happen?

The idle mind is the devils’ playground, my Father drilled into us. Isn’t it also true that good things come to those who wait?

Am I even making sense here?

Explore with me, if you will, the concept of waiting. Of course, this has more than one meaning, but I’m sure you’ll figure out which works for you.

Look forward to your responses.

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

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