Pages Not Turning Yet

The last pages of my life’s narrative seem to have stuck together, locking me into this current lull. Is it the heat? The body’s response to stress, albeit positive? My mind’s ambition butting up against physical limitation? Likely a bit of each.

We’ve already written the opening paragraph for the next chapter: purchased a new home, sold our current one. Ric’s been busy arranging the transfer of services, engaging a painter, plumber, and electrician. By the end of August, we should be comfortably settled in.

Meanwhile, I’ve packed all I can for the moment, and while I know I should be resting for the next wave of momentum, I am feeling mired in the mud of emotions and psychological muck. Non of it rational, all of it debilitating.

The next chapter will unfold as it will; we’ve already set the framework. Meantime, taking care of self has become the priority.

Today, I will not fight the stuck places. Instead, I’ll surrender to each moment, remember to breathe, and be mindful of the choices I make.


Thank you to all who participated this week, each bringing your own brilliance to the theme: next chapter.

On a Break, I Write Her
Metamorphosis, radhikasreflection
Besides…, Eugi’s Causerie II
Magical Guest, Stuff and what if…
The Next Chapter, Sgeoil
When Jokes Cross the Line, MMA Storyline
Night after night, paeansunplugged
Final Victory, Shilpa Nairy
To Be Continued, parallax
The Next Chapter, one letter UP

See you tomorrow for a new challenge!

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

12 thoughts on “Pages Not Turning Yet

  1. I think you’re wise not to try to fight the stuck places. Moving is a physcially and emotionally exhausting experience under the best of circumstances. (It always has been for me, at any rate.)

    Liked by 1 person

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