A Functional Medicine Approach Continued

“Why do you wear this thing on your wrist?”

“To measure my heart rate; it’s recommended that I keep it under 100.”

“Let’s take another look at that theory.”

This is my seventh visit to Dr. B., a practitioner of Functional Medicine.  Having just finished the ozonotherapy IV treatments, we are meeting to discuss progress and chart the next course of action.  I have reported that my stomach feels better than it has in years, but that the fatigue and unreliability of my muscles continues, as well as many of the other symptoms.

“You are demonstrating low adrenal functioning,” he tells me and pulls up a three page chart that shows me how this can affect the body – all my symptoms are there.  “For me, the logical thing would be to address this problem and forgo the heart rate monitor.  I think your body would be better off without the constant EMF interference.”

We are also treating the cognitive functioning issues, which Dr. B. attributes to Borrelia, or Lyme Disease.  All of this involves a regimen of homoeopathics, supplements and oral medications, none of it covered by health care – about $300 CAD per month.  I view it as an investment in my future.

Dr. B. suggests that I need to continue this treatment for a minimum of three months up to a year.

I continue to be optimistic.  The statistics for this disease (ME/CFS) are that 1/3 of sufferers improve – usually if it’s addressed in the first three years – and that 1/3 stay the same, with the remainder worsening.  I don’t even want to entertain the third possibility.

To understand the Functional Medicine approach to Fibromylgia and related diseases read here:  http://www.amymyersmd.com/2016/06/a-functional-medicine-approach-to-fibromyalgia/




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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

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