So Much Changes

A year ago, we were leaving Vancouver Island, crossing over into Oregon and heading east. We had travelled west with the intention of finding a spot suitable for retirement, but after a month of cold and rain on the island, plus an extended time away from family, we agreed that settling near our loved ones was important.

We had no home to return to, having sold it the year before. While my health seemed to be improving, Ric’s energy was waning. We had lots to think about en route.

So much can change from one year to another. In the year since that ferry ride across Pacific waters, we have settled in a new community, and adapted to small town life; travelled again; started a new business; and faced new health challenges.

This week we all looked back, and reflected on growth, change, loss, and taxes. Some offer humour, while others stirred emotions. I hope the experience was somewhat cathartic for all.

Thank you to all who participated:


Abandoned Amenities


Night Owl Poetry – Dorinda Duclos


Culture Shocks

What Rhymes with Stanza?

one letter UP

Stuff and what if…

See you tomorrow for a new, and somewhat different challenge!

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

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