V.J.’s Weekly Challenge #20: River

Everyday, in the aftershock of losing a seventeen year marriage, I sought out the river.  I would say a prayer, then walk off the grief and strife, until I came to a bench, where I’d sit and contemplate the message of the flowing water.  “Finding my inner peace”, is what my son called it.

A friend of mine, sharing my love of the river, sent me this song, entitled The River,  by Canadian artist Coco Love Alcorn.  Hope it inspires you.

What does the river mean to you?

How to participate:

  1. Create a post on your own blog.  Don’t have a blog?  Then post something on the comments below.
  2. Tag your blog post with VJWC.
  3. Create a pingback, or leave a link to your post in the comments below.
  4. Remember to read and comment.  We are a creative community and love the support.

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

43 thoughts on “V.J.’s Weekly Challenge #20: River

      1. I shared that video on FB … Austin has been flooding this past week, dam gates opened, ground saturated … easy to think negatively of rivers when they go out of bounds … and today they’ve put us all on boil-your-water precautions. This video is a nice balance to current “currents” of emotion.

        Liked by 2 people

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