Morning Dose of Greens

The early morning sun rouses me from sleep. It’s just after six. I contemplate turning over and then remember that rain is called for later. I get up.

Still practising intermittent fasting, I won’t eat anything till 9:00, so I decide to slip on my clothes and drive through the neighbourhood, ending up by the falls. The day is warm and the air still. Three mallards glide along the river. Everything is green.

The area above the falls is known as The Flats. Here vendors are setting up for an outdoor market. A neighbourhood Lawn Bowling facility is prepping for the season’s open. The playground sits quiet.

I park and look for the baby ducks I had noted earlier in the week, but they and mom are nowhere to be seen. A blue jay flies overhead and lands nearby, but I can’t get a clear shot. The leaves have filled in lately offering the birds excellent camouflage. I decide to follow the ducks.

A lone mallard is foraging on the ledge before the water drops away. I get a few pics of him from up top and then drive around to the bottom.

A Great Blue Heron hunts in the rapids – his usual spot these days.

Red-winged blackbirds flit about on tree branches over the water, emitting their distinct call.

Grackles, ignoring the spray, perch on rocks, no doubt hoping to catch something tasty. As colourful as they are, these birds always look cranky to me.

I stay till it’s close to breakfast time. What a way to start my day!

(Linking up to my weekly challenge which is green.)

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

17 thoughts on “Morning Dose of Greens

  1. Lovely post and such a peaceful feeling. I remember an earlier post about the greens of spring – something I have been taking note of here in Toronto. I love the Spring greens – so bright and lively. The lilac outside my window as I write has bloomed (a little later near the Lake) and the smell is wafting into my ‘good morning’. Thanks!


    1. Hi Sarah! Spring greens are the best! So uplifting. Lilac sounds wonderful. I think we are going to plant one outside our window. Enjoy this nice weather – at last!


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