Balance Would Be Good

Life feels a bit like this photo right now – buggy.

While Ric is on the mend, I have been undergoing tests for chronic issues. Last week, two biopsies were taken and a growth removed. No answers yet.

“Are you scared?” Ric asks me as we lie awake, minds processing in the stillness of night.

“Not really. I just want answers.”

Answers mean progress. Hope.

What’s bugging me is how weighted down my limbs feel, and the exhaustion, and the constant nausea. Despite it all, I wake every morning with a list of creative projects I want to complete. I love and appreciate so many aspects of my life.

It’s all good.

I’d just like a little bit of balance.


Limbo a life test
I dream in uncertainties –
pray for even ground.

(Photo my own)

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

22 thoughts on “Balance Would Be Good

  1. Glad to hear Ric is on the mend.
    It’s the not knowing that is the hardest, at least with answers we can make a plan, good or bad.
    I am thankful you still take time for creative projects. It’s always a pleasure reading your poetry and viewing your images.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Praying your exhaustion and nausea lift and that you get some answers soon, VJ. I think sometimes the waiting is the hardest part. I am glad that Ric is on the mend, though. I know that must be at least a small relief for you. Sending hugs your way sweet friend.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. VJ, hats off to your optimism … I’m currently giving myself a LOT of self-talk in that vein (sciatica issues that won’t go away and inhibit my going ways) … in the meantime till the orthopedic doctor clears up diagnosing, I too turn to creative “distractions”… your words here give me a boost of “go for it” energy. Thank you.
    Glad Ric is on the mend.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Several years ago, when my mother lost her depth perception due to glaucoma, we installed a metal railing for the steps leading to our house. It’s a safety feature I will be needing myself.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. A timely thought that need for balance. It’s our poetry prompt for August in Circle 4. I wish for answers for you that lead to balance. I admire your resilience💕

    Liked by 3 people

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